My Tranquilizer

The darkness of the night drowns me in fears,
Memoirs of thee explodes me in tears;
I raise a hand to be rescued and loved,
Thee pulls me out to be displayed and served;
I die every night to be loved another day,
I surrender to another dusk to be left betrayed;
My wings are on fire, I shall never fly,
I love the burning sensation, it makes me laugh and it makes me cry;
I rise another dawn to be loved by another pair of arms,
I am blinded by thee's love that I can feel the warmth;
I await for my savior to pull me back to life,
The taste of his blood cuts me like a knife;
Oh, my love! I scream in pain,
He replies, you are all my efforts in vain;
I shatter on the ground like a glass fragile,
The flame takes me in a state of tranquil.
The darkness of the night drowns me in fears,
Memoirs of thee explodes me...


Shruti said...

very beautifully written!

Khyati said...

@ Surreal- Thanks

navin said...

interestingo :)