Love thy admirer

Ever wondered, while crossing a road with thousand other species like you, why are you barged in by random guys?
You stand at the bus stop, surrounded by a thin air of suspicion generated by the group of guys whistling and passing comments at you, making your brains rack to all sorts of possibilities that you might face if any one of them makes a move towards you.
In a holy place, a cute guy seems to pray too long with one eye open to get a glance of you.
A katta-wala (a small stall) of a tea or cigi shop staring at you when you ask for one.
Or even the aunties stare at you in a ladies compartment considering your mere attempts to look good and grumbling amongst themselves.

There’s nothing to worry about ‘honey’, a simple justification would be that “they all love ya”.
According to recent censes report in Mumbai, there are about 900 females per 1000 males, as they lack our species, by the time we get extinct, they all wanna make a good fortune out of us.

There’s no reason to float on anger boat for such issues and act like Phulan Devi to destroy masculine ones. Incase of their emergency, circumstances get on your nerves and you bombard the poor chap, collecting a pretty good crowd around you like a celebrity stunt, you will just end-up with more big-mouths, popped out eyes and sniffy noses following you wherever you go.

All you gotta do girl, is to relax! A cold stare would rather work, something like Aishwarya Rai zonked look, leaving all those bald nutshells behind towards one more step to kismet. Till the interaction, though irritating, is healthy, it’s fine!
If they try to get cheesy, slap the morons or give a ‘Dhamki’ of your long lost relative who is a cop and call from your mobile with a little attitude, till the guy melts saying,
“Sorry sister” and walks off. Incase of emergency dial your nearest police station or Woman emergency number 104. For easy access to save your ass, call a friend who resides in the locality of assault scene. If none of the above is possible, run for your freaking life to the nearest crowded place.

Don’t be a fool by making a mistake with a cute chap, trying hard to get your attention, face it girl and start a conversation, all men ain’t the same.

Till then, be happy to get all that attention.